- POLICY STATEMENT: Burlington PICKLEBALL members conduct themselves with respect for all individuals participating in all court-bookings, programs, activities and events.
- CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND: Burlington PICKLEBALL is committed to ensuring a safe, positive and welcoming environment within our club at all times (including during all activities, and events) by creating an expectation of appropriate behaviour and advertising of potential consequences for violating the Code of Conduct.
- APPLICATION: This Code of Conduct applies to all individuals participating in Burlington PICKLEBALL programs, activities and events. The Code also applies to all guests entering Burlington PICKLEBALL facility, although they may not be members.
4.1 Respect
- Treat all fellow members, guests, visitors and staff with respect at all times. Demonstrate respect for every person regardless of physical characteristics, athletic ability, age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, creed, disability, family, economic or marital status, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation.
- Harassment of any kind towards other participants including verbal, physical or emotional is strictly prohibited.
- Do not use any form of profanity or inappropriate language.
- Bullying and intimidation will not be tolerated.
- Treat all property of Burlington PICKLEBALL with respect and care. Accidents do occur, please report any equipment damage to
- Please be sure to announce the score, clearly and loudly, to ensure it is correct every time before serving. It is both a rule & etiquette … and helps to reduce conflict on the courts.
- Consistently demonstrate sportsmanship, sport leadership, and ethical conduct.
- Promote the sport in the most constructive and positive manner possible.
- We welcome and encourage the acknowledgement of great Pickleball play!
- Many players appreciate advice and tips from more advanced players. We encourage players that are open to instruction to ask for it. We ask that you do not give advice or instruction on game play to players unless it is requested.
- Once the game has ended, please approach the net and acknowledge your fellow players.
- Should any advanced players choose to join All levels or a lower-level Open Play, we ask that you adjust your play style to suit the levels of your opponent and use the session to refine your skills and strategies. Engage in friendly gameplay that benefits both your own development and contributes to a safe and friendly environment.
- Avoid Aggressive Play. Refrain from employing overly aggressive tactics that may intimidate or overwhelm players of lower skill levels. Strive to maintain a balance that promotes a fun and fair experience for all participants, demonstrating sportsmanship and consideration at all times.
- All players at Burlington PICKLEBALL are required to act respectfully towards other players on the court. This includes maintaining a positive and sportsmanlike attitude during games and interactions with other players.
- If one or two (1-2)) complaints have been submitted regarding a player’s behaviour, indicating a consistent lack of respect towards others, Burlington PICKLEBALL reserves the right to revoke that player’s ability to continue as a member.
- At any time, Burlington PICKLEBALL has the right to be hesitant to sign a member with a history of bans from other clubs or facilities to avoid potential negative publicity, disruption within the members dynamic or damage the facility’s reputation. This is especially true if the player is known to be banned from other clubs and facilities.
- In the event that the behaviour described above persists despite prior warnings and interventions, Burlington PICKLEBALL reserves the right to terminate the membership of the individual involved. Termination of membership would result in the immediate termination of all associated membership benefits, including but not limited to court access, events participation, and club privileges. This decision would be made at the discretion of Burlington PICKLEBALL owners and management, following a thorough review of the situation.
- We believe that a respectful and inclusive environment is essential for every player to enjoy their pickleball experience at Burlington PICKLEBALL. Thank you for your cooperation in upholding these standards of respect and sportsmanship.
4.2 Safety
- We recommend a quick effective warm up before entering the courts, all players should feel comfortable and ready to play before beginning a match. Always stretch before and after game play to avoid injury.
- Be mindful of your current physical condition, please avoid over-exerting yourself during play. Know your limits and play within them to avoid injury.
- Always strive to make correct line calls, but remember that if there is any doubt, you should call the ball “in”.
- Please dress in safe and appropriate attire. Avoid clothing with offensive logos, designs, words or phrases.
- If another court’s ball enters your court during play, promptly announce “ball on court” and stop the game. Once the ball has been returned, replay the point.
4.3 Loyalty
- All Members at Burlington PICKLEBALL shall refrain from making comments in public forums e.g. Facebook, Instagram, X etc. that denigrate the sport of Pickleball or Burlington PICKLEBALL in any way. Members are encouraged to speak to the owners or management regarding any concerns or issues they have. We understand that there will be differences of opinion, however, we ask that our members be respectful for the benefit of everyone.
- We love to receive feedback of any kind, and encourage open communication from our members.
Members are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct and guidelines outlined by Burlington PICKLEBALL at all times. Failure to do so may lead to the termination of membership as a necessary step to maintain a positive and respectful environment within the pickleball community.
We appreciate your cooperation in making Burlington PICKLEBALL a fun, safe and positive environment for all players.